High-quality Meat Products for Gastronomy and Hospitality

Whether it’s a restaurant, cafeteria, catering service, or food truck, we at Bodenburg supply businesses with high-quality meat products tailored to your needs.

  • High-quality fresh and cured meats
  • Reliable and punctual delivery
  • Pre-portioned/calibrated products
  • Individually removable frozen (IQF) items
  • Convenience products: pre-cooked, browned, and ready-to-eat
  • Natural, unseasoned products
  • Fresh and frozen product range

Are you looking for organic products? We are certified organic! Just ask!

Restaurant, Kantine, Catering oder Food-Truck

We are your ideal partner for the delivery of meat products.

Fast delivery –
secure freshness

Highest quality -
also organic

Best service - before,
during, and after


    How to contact us


    Schönmühl 3, D-82377 Penzberg

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